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Market-shaping original women’s health research

Since 2020, the FemAging Project has delivered unique, market-shaping original research and analysis on the unique health, wellness, product preferences and technology adoption patterns of women ages 40+.
Produced with the support of AARP, the report features the FemAging Index, a nationally representative survey of 1,000 U.S. women ages 40-65, and introduces the 2023 FemAging Tech Champions, 20 global innovators developing groundbreaking innovations for older women.

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Request a copy of the Femaging 2023 Health and Tech Report

FemAging 2020 Report

FemAging 2020 revealed the scope of the FemAging Tech sector and answered important questions about whether current innovations are meeting older women's most critical health and wellness needs.
FemAging in the COVID-19 era